Thursday, September 13, 2012

Stuff...and sometimes things

As much fun as reminiscing about my adventures in Europe was, I reckon it's time to move on and get back to what this blog used to be about- nothing in particular. Lets be honest, deep down most of us would rather read about someone's life that is a bit average. It makes us feel better about ourselves. This is the exact reason why I love Home and Away. No matter how shit I have it, at least my lover hasn't accidentally shot his own father and is facing a lifetime in prison while I'm left hiding a pregnancy to my step sister's husband...

So here I am, back again. Miss twenty something here to share with you my thoughts, fears and above all banal first world problems like how much it sucks when you go to make a coffee at work and someone's used the last of the boiling water in the jug. Fill after use people. Fill, after, use.

Of late I've been forced to realise that I'm on a fast way track to getting old. How do I know this? Well, for one I've started having the occasional singular drink after work, at home, watching the news. I also took a shine to the popular home reno show The Block. The nail in the coffin was when a new boy band performed at work this week. After ogling the cute guys, I was informed that when I was their age, they were 10. Instantly felt the need to wrap a scarf around one of them and check whether they'd eaten their lunch that day.

What does this mean for my twenty something syndrome? Am I finally accepting the fact that I can't put off growing up for much longer? Judging by the number of Simpsons episodes saved on our hard drive I would beg to differ but still, it's happening.

Funny to think that at my age, my parents were hitched and owned their own home. I on the other hand am living the de facto dream and haemorrhaging rent money for a shoebox apartment.

Times have changed though and to be honest, I'm pretty darn happy with how things are at the moment. I cherish walking to work knowing three quarters of the rest of this city are sitting in traffic, silently cursing their suburban existence. I also like the freedom of knowing that I can go out any night for as long as I want...even if I do choose bad reality telly and a cuppa 80% of the time.

Guess even at the (not so much tender but closer to medium-rare) age of 26 I can still stake a claim on suffering twenty something syndrome then. Right, best be off now- X Factor's on and being a twenty something chick I still have a soft spot for Britney....aaaaand before you judge, I KNOW you still know all the words.

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