Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Big Decision

Here's a question for you: how do you know when you're making the right decision? This is one I've been puzzling over for the past week because Tom and I have made a big one.

On February 4th 2013 we are heading off to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam to try our luck at being English teachers. The teaching gig is really a means to an end, allowing us to explore South East Asia for the next year or so. In saying that though, I'm pretty excited about dusting off the cobwebs in my brain and learning some completely new skills….all while on a one way ticket.

We've been told to expect a huge workload for the course we're doing. It's called the CELTA and is essentially four weeks of classes, lesson planning and soaking up as much information as humanly possible about how to teach English as a second language.

The schools are fully English speaking, so students aren't allowed to speak in their native tongue. This means that our complete and utter lack of knowledge about the Vietnamese language won't be too much of an issue (inside the classroom at least!).

The course runs Monday to Friday from around eight in the morning till five or six. On top of this, each night you're expected to do three to four hours of homework and around six hours on the weekend. Combine this with a completely foreign environment, add in a generous splash of humidity, dash of insane scooter driving traffic and stir together with rich history until you have a nice wee brew of culture shock.

Yes it's scary but also incredibly exciting. My heart is thumping just writing about it and I'm so grateful to know that Tom will be there as support. One thing is for sure, this is going to test our relationship. In fact I think we can bank on quite a bit of testing over there, educational and otherwise.

I'm trying to mentally gear myself up for the move but I know that nothing can really prepare me for how I'm going to feel. Lately I can't stop thinking about everything we'll be missing out on back home. Watching all the gorgeous engaged couples we know share their first kiss as husband and wife. Hanging out with our beautiful nieces and nephews as they learn to walk, have birthdays and grow ridiculously fast. Spending precious time with Grandparents..the list goes on. Makes a solid case for doing your OE straight out of school!

In saying that though, it finally feels like the time is right for us to take the plunge. Turns out that travel isn't something you just get out of your system. Ever since I got back from backpacking around Europe I've felt this kind of unrest. Traveling really puts the world into perspective and makes you realise just how much there is to see and experience out there.

So there are the two sides of the coin- what's out there to experience and what we'll miss out on back in NZ. Brings me back to my initial question, the one about knowing whether making such a big life decision like this is the right one...

After a lot of thought, I've decided that there is no right path. Life is kind of like one of those 'pick a path' books we all rushed to get first from the library in primary school. The point is that you just don't know if you've made the right decision. Which is a good thing really, because finding out is an adventure in itself.   

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