One of my real friends (as opposed to the vast majority who are actually just “Facebook” friends) suggested that I write about cheese. She declared that she loves cheese so much that she could write about it all day...and she doesn't even really like to write that much. Thinking of the prospect made me quite interested to see what she would write so bam! A blog topic was born. Thankyou Claire x.
Cheese is such a girl thing don't you think? Definitely up there with wine and chocolate. Personally (and I know this is going to shock many of you female cheese enthusiasts) I'm not a huge fan of the stuff. Don't get me wrong, if you offer me a bit of creamy blue on a Snax cracker I probably won't say no, it's just that I prefer to indulge my fat tooth in different forms. Namely by eating the cracker on its own...or smeared in peanut butter mmmm.
Does anyone else come home from a big night out and find themselves drawn to the jar of peanut butter in the cupboard? Then the following day you find a gaping hole in the jar and a sticky spoon in the sink? Just me? Damn.
I digress. Where were we? Oh yes, cheese is a female food. Sure a lot of men love their cheese but they're just not as passionate about it. I'm confident that I know at least a handful of women who would offer up their first born in exchange for a lifetime supply of double cream brie. If you mention cheese in a room full of women chances are their eyes will mist over and they'll let out a little sigh similar to if you'd asked them to picture Bradley Cooper without a shirt.
It’s an obsession that seems to develop amongst twenty something females in particular (WARNING: lame attempt to make the topic relevant to the subject of the blog). Seriously though, how many teenagers do you know that would choose a cheese platter over a Big Mac? Plus cheese is freakin expensive. It’s a sign of being an almost-grown-up when you present guests with a range of cheese to snack on with their beverages. I’m partial to sausage rolls myself but cheese is more socially acceptable in your twenties.
Now I’m just getting hungry so here is a less appetizing digression. Apparently after research into the smell of male and female armpits (it was a slow news day at The Telegraph apparently) women smell like onions and men of cheese. There you go, scientific proof that women are programmed to desire cheese. I suggest if you’re on a diet that you use this little fact as an excuse to indulge. Surely going with your natural instincts can’t be all that bad?
So there you have it. A blog about cheese. I should really include some witty and relevant picture relating to the stuff but I can't get this out of my head now...enjoy ladies.
*Did you notice this little asterisk? Well done you. I just wanted to have a rant and say how fantastic 'The Vinyl Monologues' feature on Alt TV was. Alas the channel is dead so the only way you can watch now is if you know someone clever enough to have saved a bunch of them via MySky.
End of irrelevant aside.
As you were.